The Best Coach's Eye Alternative for Video Analysis: SeamsUp

March 14, 2023

40 min read


Coach’s Eye had long been an industry-leader for coaches, parents, and players looking to review technique and game film.

Besides bringing professional-grade training tools into the pockets of thousands, Coach’s Eye helped spread a vital insight through our sports communities that was backed by 70 years of real science and hundreds of high-profile anecdotes: 

Video analysis has an uncanny ability to accelerate the learnings of our athletes.

Sadly, as of September 15th 2022, the Coach’s Eye app has been discontinued and no longer exists.

This leaves its biggest fans in a bit of a bind–especially if you’ve come to rely on using Coach’s Eye for your in-person or online lesson coaching business.

But after 4 years of listening to coaches, parents, and players like you (and lots of late-nights coding), we think we’ve put together the best Coach’s Eye alternative out there in SeamsUp.

We’ll go into much more detail below, but here’s the TL;DR when it comes to comparing what you’re used to versus what we’ve built.

Coach’s Eye charged hidden fees to unlock many “premium” tools and features that are all completely free with SeamsUp.

Aside from price, the biggest difference between the two apps, for instructors at least, comes down to SeamsUp’s full suite of coaching business tools that Coach's Eye just never offered – even in their most premium price tiers.  

Here’s eight quick examples of unique SeamsUp-only coaching tools:

  1. Automated client scheduling – like Calendly, but already integrated with everything you care about
  2. Automated admin processes and communication with parents – so you can focus on getting athletes better
  3. Instant payment acceptance  – goes directly into your bank account
  4. Advanced business analytics  – to track the health of your brand and find new opportunities
  5. Video call lessons – and the ability to offer every other instructional type imaginable 
  6. In-picture personal feedback and technique demonstrations  – that you can overlay onto a player’s sent footage while analyzing – so clients can see your face and movements
  7. AI-powered skeleton tracking – so that you can see your athlete’s posture and their limbs’ movement patterns more clearly
  8. A sales and Google search engine optimized personal coaching page  – that takes 5 minutes to set up but gets you new clients on auto-pilot

But, now that the TL;DR is covered, let’s back up a bit and introduce this Coach’s Eye versus SeamsUp debate in more detail.

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Coach’s Eye App History and Features

As we mentioned, Coach’s Eye had long been the industry-leader for coaches, parents, and players looking to analyze sports footage.

This legacy is partly due to the fact that over a decade ago Coach’s Eye was one of the earliest analysis softwares to enter the iOS App Store and Google Play marketplaces – making sports video review and feedback possible on mobile devices for the first time in history.

It allowed you to record your players and instantly show them how to improve – right from the in-game (or practice) field or court. 

The Coach's Eye app offered tools such as instant playback and slow motion for further study of each clip, along with innovatively (for the time) allowing its users to draw lines and arrows directly onto their videos to highlight particular points or areas of focus.

Finally, Coach’s Eye gave coaches and parents the ability to manage their imported and analyzed files and share them wherever they wished via text, email, and even directly onto social media.

Despite this legacy, TechSmith, Coach’s Eye’s parent company, decided to shut it down for good in September of 2022. 

Seamsup Verses Coach S Eye B P078
Compares the two different video analysis editors, with SeamsUp on the left and Coach’s Eye on the right.

The Problems with Coach's Eye Coaching?

Coach's Eye had put together a few video analysis and capture features that coaches could learn about and employ with their pre-existing clientele.

But, aside from charging coaches yearly subscription fees – which we’ll cover in a later section – there were at least three other big problems for coaches looking to manage and grow their online business using Coach's Eye:

  1. You’ll still needed to negotiate scheduling and lesson prices with each client, which took time and energy away from what you likely love to do – teach the game.

    And all these back and forths between you and your clients would need to be done with the iMessage app, social media DM’s, or email – which gets real messy real fast when you have more than a few clients mixed into your friends and family’s personal messages.
  2. Both you and your clients would also have had to combine Coach's Eye with even more software applications in order to send, receive, and track those lesson payments – which meant jumping back-and-forth between more than just the communication apps listed in point one above. 
  3. Coach's Eye might have worked with pre-existing in-person clients, but it never optimized each coach's listings to be found in Google searches locally or internationally, nor did it have any other mechanisms to help you gain new lesson clients to work with.

    Which meant your were forced to rely exclusively on word-of-mouth and your social media skills to increase your active client list. 

And all that extra time, work, and awkwardness (most coaches don’t like negotiating pricing) would have just been for giving a basic video analysis lesson. 

And analysis style lessons are just the tip of the iceberg of what’s possible with 1:1 online instruction these days.

Other types of online lesson interactions – like live video calls, for example – that parents and athletes crave could never have be done at all with the Coach's Eye app. 

Again, if you wanted to create such lesson offerings would also need to combine the Coach's Eye app with all of the following softwares:

  • A communication app (iMessage, email, or social media DM’s)
  • A payment acceptor (Venmo, Zelle, or Cash App)
  • A live video tool (Zoom or FaceTime)
  • And personal scheduling platform to deal with time zones and meet-up reminders (Calendly or Acuity).

That’s a lot of apps for a single hitting lesson. 

SeamsUp App History and Features

Since launching in 2022, the SeamsUp app has sought to take over the mantle of industry-leading sports analysis tech and continues to push the envelope of what’s possible with private instruction and footage review. 

We saw everything that Coach’s Eye had provided to its coaches and parents and looked for ways to take video analysis to the next phase in its evolution. 

Below, we explore the exact nature of this next phase. 

Video Analysis

Sports analysis tools are just one facet of what SeamsUp offers to coaches and players – but it’s a facet that we take very seriously. 

We first put together a comprehensive suite of video analysis features that includes everything apps like Coach's Eye offered, like frame-by-frame video play-back, slow-motion, zooming in and out, comparing two different footages, voiceover, and numerous drawing annotation tools – angles, lines, circles, squares, arrows, free hand, etc.

But then, we added in-picture personal feedback and technique demonstrations that you can overlay onto a player’s footage – which can be moved at will or expanded to full-screen – during your analysis sessions.

This allows your lesson clients to see your face speaking directly to them or your body demonstrating the proper movements overlaid on their sent footage.

Next, we also added our own AI-powered skeleton tracking so that you can see your athlete’s posture and their limbs’ movement patterns even more clearly. 

🧢 Pro Tip: You can even darken or completely blackout the background of sent footage with this same feature to see clearly what the athlete's body is doing in terms of the skeletal tracker's angles, free from distractions.

This skeleton tracking, coupled with a mirror feature we created that flips footage to remove the problem of finding right or left-handed video examples, makes comparing your athlete’s clips side-by-side with those of elite professional athletes easier than ever before.


Then, SeamsUp revamped how you upload videos from your device’s camera roll and how you film them directly from within our app – along with re-imagining our entire file management system with a more intuitive and modern look and feel than anything else out there.

On SeamsUp, coaches can create folders in their Gallery for different footage types, like “Drills” or “Pro Player Examples.”

But you can also create folders named after each in-person player you work with from before you started using SeamsUp or any that you acquired outside of our app’s auto-pilot client acquisition efforts – and store all of their progress in one convenient place.

And, of course, our SeamsUp client management system stores every In Person, Analysis, Full Remote, or Live Call lesson that you accept within the app into their own searchable categories.

But, not only that, each lesson request you accept or feedback you record is saved in a robust player profile forever.

These player profiles include their name, profile picture, their parent’s name, their age, and every instructional interaction you and the client have ever had.

This allows you to track all of your SeamsUp connected clients’ progresses, and which drills or concepts you’ve previously introduced along their developmental journeys.

It’s like having an easily viewable and navigable receipt of everything high and low of the ballplayer’s mindset, technique, and in-game results – and all the knowledge and mentorship you’ve contributed to these along the way.

And, of course, it’s also a literal receipt of their lesson payments (which go directly into your bank account).

Seamsup Instructor Marketplace Coachs Eye Analysis Tool B P078
Compares the two different types of products, with SeamsUp, the coaching marketplace, on the left and Coach’s Eye, the video analysis tool only, on the right.

Video Capture

SeamsUp lets users choose their camera resolution up to 4k and their frame rate to optimize both quality and speed.

This is a higher resolution quality than any other video analysis app has ever offered, including Coach's Eye.

SeamsUp also allows slow motion capture up to 240 frames per second (fps).

And we have no time limit on how long you'd like to record your videos within our app.

Communication and Other Coaching Platform Features

But, the differences between Coach's Eye and SeamsUp are even more evident when comparing them both as coaching instructional platforms – and not just because one is completely free. 

These differences are more due to the fact that SeamsUp is primarily a marketplace created to bring athletes and coaches together for every type of private lesson imaginable. 

Players get one-on-one remote or in-person access to the world’s best coaches – finally breaking free of all geographic limitations.

Parents interested in coaching services can search and request private lessons from instructors in a couple clicks after looking over an instructor's full background and coaching philosophy.

Parents can also check out the reviews of other parents who have already worked with each of our platform-vetted professionals.

And coaches?

Well, they get connected with new local clients, along with the world’s first dedicated platform built to give, manage and grow their online lessons business.

A dedicated coaching platform goes well-beyond moving client communication away from emails and text messages and into a place that essentially does the same thing in a different app. 

Coaches want to focus on teaching the game and automate all the clerical admin back and forths.

But our automated lesson sales processes, like all the best set-it-and-forget-it tools, still gives you, as coaches, room to personalize the client messaging and reminders as much or as little as you like. 

Coaches using SeamsUp get all of the following features 100% free:

  • A robust sales landing page. This page showcases your instructional services, qualifications, client reviews, and lesson offerings in a way that’s fully optimized to grow and scale your coaching business. And it takes less than 5 minutes to set up.

    This page can act as your website by itself, as its customizable URL is shareable on social media (or any other way you see fit) and searchable in Google (and every other search engine). But you can also simply add your SeamsUp sales page to your existing website or social media links. 
  • Accept one-off or recurring package payments from clients. And you create your own prices and lesson offerings (like live video calls)–it’s total freedom to run your business your way.
  • Manage lesson clients. Easily keep track of your client’s information, including their bookings, payments, and personal progress.
  • Easy booking processes. No more back-and-forth scheduling or price discussions for live-streamed lessons. You set availability and rates. Players choose their slots. We handle time zones and everything in between.
  • Automated sales processes. Push notifications and emails are sent automatically to verify client purchases and remind them when it’s time to meet for live lessons–so you can focus on teaching the game.
  • Customizable message communication. Message new students (even create onboarding templates) and do the same for each subsequent lesson. 
  • Custom branding. You and your coaching business are one-of-a-kind. A SeamsUp profile allows you to showcase the logo, coaching philosophy, content, and specific brand colors that set you apart. 
  • No additional fees on lesson transactions. You’ll just find the same 3% processing fees (which goes to the banks) as you’d get charging your clients with Venmo or Cash App. 
  • The Coaching Upgrade Program. An online video course teaching coaches how to create a brand, grow your social media presence, and how to use and optimize SeamsUp to make you more revenue. It also comes with a step-by-step coaching content creation template to follow.
  • Top-notch customer support.  

So, our free suite of sports video analysis tools is part of a larger ecosystem of software solutions.

But our powerful analysis features can and are used completely separately, AKA on their own, by hundreds of coaches and parents for all sorts of uses in sport. 

And we encourage it – as you can tell by this article.

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Coach’s Eye vs. SeamsUp Pricing

Coach’s Eye and SeamsUp went about pricing their video analysis products quite differently. Here’s a breakdown of each option.

Coach’s Eye Pricing

Coach’s Eye did offer a free to download and use option. But it was full of serious limitations that pushed you toward the paid version of the app.

A coach or parent using the free version of their video analysis app would experience the following:

  • Lots of targeted advertisements peppered onto their screens.
  • No access to the “premium tools” locked behind a paywall, AKA, they wouldn’t be able to use many of the best drawing and video analysis tools without paying.
  • Being limited to 2GB worth of videos for importing, saving, and sharing. 

These were some pretty serious drawbacks. 

The paid version of the app was called a Coach's Eye + PRO | VIP membership.

It gave you access to industry leading video coaching tools and content management services for $5 per month.

But, likely due to the seasonality of all sports, that $5 was not allowed to be paid on a month-to-month basis.

Instead, Coach’s Eye required coaches and parents to pay for an entire year's subscription of $60 up front. And that subscription automatically re-upped to charge you each year.

Their VIP membership packages gave coaches and parents:

  1. 150GB cloud storage for importing, saving, and sharing videos.
  2. Access to all of their “premium tools” and drawing effects for video analysis.  
  3. The ability to share and export videos in HD quality. 
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Compares the two different Gallery designs, with SeamsUp on the left and Coach’s Eye on the right. Note: SeamsUp also has a view that shows each video’s specific upload date in your Gallery.

SeamsUp Pricing

SeamsUp is also free to download for all coaches and parents. But its free version is quite a bit different from Coach’s Eye.

Coaches and parents using our free video analysis features can expect:

  • A 100% advertisement-free experience. No ads, and no tracking or sharing of your data with others.
  • Full access to every premium video analysis tool we offer, with nothing behind a paywall. Including unlimited use of our in-picture personal feedback overlay and AI skeleton tracking features.
  • 30GB worth of video Gallery storage for importing, saving, and sharing. This is 15x more free storage than Coach’s Eye had offered in their free version.

And, in case you’re wondering how much this is, 30GB is roughly equivalent to 60 hours of standard-definition video.

Still curious as to how many actual videos that is?

The average video that a player or parent uploads on our platform is between 1-3 minutes in duration.

So even taking the high (3 minutes) as the average length, that means a parent, player, or coach using the completely free version of SeamsUp can save around 1,200 videos in their Gallery before even considering an upgrade.

Now, for free tier coach users wishing to export videos that were analyzed within the app and send them out via text, email, or share on social media, they will be limited to 5 such exports per week.

The Gallery export limit is mainly just for coach users trying to use the SeamsUp analysis tools to create social media content instead of giving actual lessons on the platform – and they can still create and export 5 days worth Instagram or TikTok posts.

Such coaches can also still upload and analyze (including both voiceover and in-picture overlays while giving feedback) for as many videos up to 30GB as they like. The limit is only on weekly exports. 

But, there’s an important distinction to be made:

This export limit only applies to using the SeamsUp app’s Gallery storage.

Your private lesson video and communication storage is considered completely different with SeamsUp.

🚨 Important Note: All coach and player users can save and export an unlimited amount of videos from their actual Analysis, Full Remote or Live Call online lessons. There’s no limit whatsoever.

So, as a coach, your sent feedback and your clients’ videos are yours to export and share as you see fit.

But, for coaches, we threw in so much more for free.

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Shows two other aspects of the SeamsUp product that coaches may be interested in, with a sample coaching profile landing page on the left and coaching business insights suite on the right. 

Additional Benefits for Coaches Using SeamsUp

After creating their coaching profile, private instructors, former pros, and online sports creators also–aside from access to our industry-leading video analysis tools–get the following:

  • A robust sales landing page. This page showcases your instructional services, qualifications, client reviews, and lesson offerings in a way that’s fully optimized to grow and scale your coaching business.

    This page can act as your website by itself, as its customizable URL is shareable on social media (or any other way you see fit) and searchable in Google (and every other search engine). But, you can also simply add your SeamsUp sales page to your existing website or social media links.
  • Accept one-off or recurring package payments from clients. And you create your own prices and lesson offerings (like live video calls)–it’s total freedom to run your business your way.
  • Manage lesson clients. Easily keep track of your client’s information, including their bookings, payments, and personal progress.
  • Easy booking processes. No more back-and-forth scheduling or price discussions for live-streamed lessons. You set availability and rates. Players choose their slots. We handle time zones and everything in between.
  • Automated sales processes. Push notifications and emails are sent automatically to verify client purchases and remind them when it’s time to meet for live lessons–so you can focus on teaching the game.
  • Customizable message communication. Message new students (even create onboarding templates) and do the same for each subsequent lesson. 
  • Custom branding. You and your coaching business are one-of-a-kind. A SeamsUp profile allows you to showcase the logo, coaching philosophy, content, and specific brand colors that set you apart. 
  • No additional fees on lesson transactions. You’ll just find the same 3% processing fees (which goes to the banks) as you’d get charging your clients with Venmo or Cash App. 
  • The Coaching Upgrade Program. An online video course teaching coaches how to create a brand, grow your social media presence, and how to use and optimize SeamsUp to make you more revenue. It also comes with a step-by-step coaching content creation template to follow.
  • Top-notch customer support.  

Yes, everything above is seriously free for coaches.

And it’s plenty to run just about any in-person or online coaching business imaginable.

But, for former pro athletes and serious social media creators (or those who wish to become one), we do offer even more capabilities with our SeamsUp Pro offer.

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SeamsUp Pro

The SeamsUp Pro tier is $29.99 per month or $359.88 a year. It’s month-to-month and you can, of course, cancel anytime. 

SeamsUp Pro offers coaches:

  • Everything mentioned in the free version
  • The ability to export and share up to 4k quality videos. Again, this is for creators looking to generate next-level social media content with our video analysis tools. 
  • The ability to add an unlimited amount of fully customizable storage folders to your video Gallery. 
  • No watermarks on exported or shared videos. 
  • 1,000GB of Gallery storage. This is a near-lifetime amount of video storage that can be used instead of DropBox, GoogleDrive, or Google Photos, and it will definitely free up tons of space in your device’s camera roll. 
  • A full coaching business analytics suite. This gives you advanced metrics to track the trends and progress of your profile, your top clients, and compare your lesson offerings and revenue with similar coach competitors. 
Accepting Giving Live Call Lessons Seamsup B P076
Shows one of the many lesson types coaches can offer through the SeamsUp app, with the coach’s side view of automated live video call scheduling on the left and conducting a Live Call Lesson with a sample student on the right.

SeamsUp: The Best Coach’s Eye Alternative for Video Analysis

Coach’s Eye was one of the first apps that sports coaches and parents could rely on for video analysis, feedback, and tracking progress over time.

But, as of September 2022, Coach’s Eye has been discontinued. And many coaches and parents are currently looking for a viable replacement.

Due to SeamsUp’s comprehensive and cutting-edge features, free pricing model, and modern look and feel, we think readers of this article may have found just that.

Interested in giving us a shot?

Download SeamsUp here, and let us know what you think. 

About the Author

Mike Rogers

Co-Founder & CEO

Mike Rogers has spent a lifetime entrenched in baseball and softball as a player, a private instructor, a training facility owner, and the son of two college-level coaches.

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