The Ultimate Guide to the Instagram Bio for Baseball and Softball Coaches

February 11, 2024

31 min read


So you've created an Instagram account, found your perfect username, and now you're staring at a blank slate wondering “What's next?”

You probably want to spit out a basic bio and move on to more compelling things, like sharing the game you love and establishing your brand with the world outside your inner circle.

But let us tell you, those 150 characters allotted for your bio may seem negligible, but they will in fact be representing you and your online reputation moving forward – so everything there must have maximum impact.

And for those coaches with a longstanding presence on Instagram, your account can always be further optimized and improved, of course. 

In this ultimate guide to the instagram bio for baseball and softball coaches, we will share with you the strategies, tips, and tricks used by professionals to create irresistible bios that both captivate and motivate their audiences.

Let’s hook-hand-slide in.

The Purpose of an Instagram Bio

Your Instagram Bio displays to viewers who you are, what services and values you have to offer, and, most importantly, what makes you unique.

This bio can be the very first impression a potential client or customer has of you and your brand. 

And we all know how important first impressions are.

If you’ve already composed your bio, it’s worth asking if it represents you and your baseball or softball brand in the brightest light possible?

🔑 Key Insight: A great Instagram bio highlights your brand identity and purpose, and compels viewers to dig deeper – whether that be scrolling down your page, engaging with your posts, following your account, or clicking that link in your bio. 

200 million visitors check out at least one Instagram business account everyday – you want to be as prepared as possible to welcome them into you and your coaching brand’s world. 

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How to Setup a Baseball or Softball Instagram Bio

On the top left you'll see your username – it is how you are identified on the platform. 

Your username @ handle is what will appear when you're interacting with others and is the main component of your Instagram URL.

Below your chosen username you'll see your Name

Along with the username handle, this so-called display name is what can be looked up in the Search and Explore pages – meaning it can help people find you. 

Your username and display name can be the same, but it’s recommended that you use the opportunity to give potential newcomers to your page more information on who you are or what your purpose is on the platform. 

This can be done by choosing keywords to include in this section, such as Coach, Instructor, Trainer, Pro, or anything pertinent to your current goals. 

If your account has a more fun or funny bent, you can try names like “Dinger-Maker” for a hitting coach or “Bringer of Looking K’s” for a pitching instructor, but, like most things, there’ll be a tradeoff. 

You would be consciously choosing the power of novelty over the platform’s searchability – but ultimately your personal goals should be the deciding factor.  

If you want to go way deeper on these first fundamental steps for setting up or optimizing your account, we cover all things username and name-related in our article: How to Pick the Perfect Username for Your Baseball or Softball Instagram Account.

Right under your name you'll have the Category section.

This section only is visible to people who created their Instagram account as a Business Profile, which is highly recommended. 

We wrote another entire article for coaches about why having your baseball or softball brand’s profile set to business is so important

Anyway, this category section is where you get to choose the category or industry your business is part of. 

This helps viewers know immediately what you do without having to write it down in your bio, saving up that precious character space.

The only downside of Categories is that it's only viewable for mobile users, so some visitors might not be able to see it. 

But Instagram is a platform meant and optimized for mobile first, with web-only users few and far between.

Now even lower, you'll have the Website section.

It's the only field on Instagram where you can insert a clickable link. So, it’s very important to your overall marketing efforts on the platform. 

These links can and should be updated to reflect your most current promotional endeavor. 

Another feature exclusive to Instagram Business accounts is a Contact me section that allows people to see where you are located. 

This is especially useful for local instructors and local brick and mortar businesses, academies, or travelball organizations. 

It also gives your audience, if you choose to set it up, an easy way to email or call you directly. 

This is an additional reason that having a business profile is so important – as the Contact me section gives visitors and followers essential details that would be challenging or impossible to fit into the 150 characters allowed in your bio.

Your Profile Picture, along with your username, are the things that will set you apart from others when interacting on the platform.

Choosing a picture that reflects your brand's image is crucial for creating good first and lasting impressions.

If you have a logo and are planning on using that, make sure that it still remains clearly visible when Instagram crops it into their standard 110 x 110 pixels. 

For private instructors, you should strongly consider using a headshot image of yourself to serve as an initial non-verbal introduction for your future customers.  

A small tip for headshots, is to carefully choose the background you'll be standing in  front of, the aim is for it to make you stand out while also matching your profile's content theme and brand colors. 

If your brand colors are black, white, and Astro’s gold, like the example below, then one of these colors would ideally be in the background of your profile picture.

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@antonellibaseball has a quality profile image.

Any current and functioning URL can be placed in the "Website" field that appears as part of your Instagram bio. 

📚 Definition: URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator, which sounds scary-technical, but it’s nothing more than the address of a given unique place or resource on the Web. Similar to your home address. 

The most common URL’s used in Instagram bios by baseball and softball entrepreneurs are a website’s link, a professional sales page’s profile link, or a product’s affiliate page link.

If your goal is to earn a living – or even to supplement your primary income by providing online or in-person baseball or softball lessons – then a completely free professional and sale-optimized profile where followers and fans can purchase any lesson type imaginable in one-click is sort of a no-brainer.

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The version of your profile hosted on SeamsUp has a unique URL link that’s easily shareable. 

Sharing this link with family, former clients who have moved away, and former teammates is a start. 

But including the link to your profile in your social media bios (including Instagram) is a much more helpful and sustainable way to gain new lesson clients. 

We understand that you may also do affiliate sales on various products, have your own website, or other links that you would also like to share – and Instagram only allows you to choose just one link.

Luckily, there’s a simple solution to this common problem faced in nearly all industries.  

If you have several different links you'd like to use, it can be frustrating to be told you can only use one.

Well, worry no more because there's a great way to get around the situation, and that solution is called Linktree.

With Linktree, you'll have the ability to share up to 5 links for a single account. When tapped by your visitors, a single branded link composed of your Instagram @username opens up to show various links.

Again, when people click on the link, they will be led to a page that displays the multiple links you want them to have direct access to.

To have access to all the features Linktree offers, just sign up on their website.

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@BaseballDudes Linktree example.

If you have Instagram posts that rely a bit more on visual graphics and carousels to inspire followers to check out your website or SeamsUp profile, then you should also check out Later’s links can be made to appear as visual feed tiles and overall it has slightly more customizability than Linktree. But both are great solutions for ambitious coaches. 

All of that out of the way, let’s get to the reason you’re here – composing a killer bio.

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@latermedia example.

Instagram Bio for Baseball and Softball Coaches – Best Practices

Now that we've gone through why you need a meaningful bio and how everything else in your profile works, we'll get into how to actually write the bio.

Get started with your draft by sitting down, grabbing a piece of paper, or whatever device you prefer to scribble notes on, and start writing sentences that would describe what you do.

In this first draft, you'll just be putting down what comes to mind. 

From there, you’ll start to cut out some words, editing, then editing some more, and finally cutting out almost everything – until you reach that one sentence or group of bullet points that sums it all up.

There are so many creative ways to make your unique coaching brand's voice heard.

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The goal here is to arrive with something short, concise, and written efficiently because well-chosen words always have more impact, as shown above from @thereidbaseball

Unleash your personality, or the personality of your emerging brand.

Don't try to overdo it by trying to sound too “professional” and jargony. Complicated  phrasing will only tire or tune out your visitors. 

The goal is to make your bio quickly scannable, while still showcasing the major benefits of following your account or engaging with your services.

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An example of that is @brickwallsoftball's efficient bio, which is direct and straight to the point.

People are more interested in what they can get rather than only hearing about you and your credentials.

You can never know who is reading your bio, but trying to imagine who you're targeting and writing from their perspective will not only make you see how you can serve them better, but also make them feel like you will be the best choice for them and their time compared to all the others on the market.

Try putting yourself in your audience's shoes and think about what you can do for them.

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@thathittingguy lays out exactly how he can help his followers improve their game – leading with value.

What sort of specific value can you add to their lives? What does your brand intend to achieve? What are your specific skills?

Perhaps you have an uncommon experience or a unique approach to doing things, don't be afraid to share such things generously.

Eventually your tribe, AKA the people that share or empathize with your experiences and values, can and will find you on Instagram.

And if you’re curious to learn how to research, create and optimize your brand and brand voice in our industry, don’t miss our ultimate guide to establishing your baseball and softball brand.

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Instagram Bio Formatting Considerations

Most Instagram bios are in list, line break, or bullet point formats. 

The Instagram platform is used primarily on mobile devices, so this approach is the most practical and effective for viewers to quickly scan what an account is about without the hassle of reading through chunky information in the form of long sentences – like this one you just read.

When editing,       space (see what we did there) your bio for you want it to look like when viewed by mobile users. 

You can start by writing it within your phone’s Notes app. 

However, because Instagram is trying to save storage space within their giant servers that are housed in even more giant buildings, they will often not honor the line breaks and other spaces that you so meticulously craft in your Notes app. 

But, the awesome and free solution to this problem is to paste your newly composed bio into this website’s text field and then tap “Convert.”

In seconds, you’ll have your perfectly-spaced bio waiting to then be pasted one last into Instagram.

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One-Liner and Slogan Approach Alternatives

But before unleashing your bullet-pointed bio on the world, there are two other common approaches from within our industry. 

The first is the one-liner. 

That one sentence or slogan that defines your brand and values is to be used here for maximum effect.

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 Youth is a state of mind as they say and we think @coachferber would agree.

The second approach is the slogan or quote.

If you have a particular quote that inspires you to keep grinding or that just amuses you to no end, you can share it with the world and let it touch millions of other people.

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@proformhitting, simultaneously wise and humorous words indeed.

How to Use Emojis in Your Baseball or Softball Bio

Emojis might seem unprofessional to some, but these little images are powerful shortcuts to understanding that not only add your unique character, but save you vital character space. 

Combining emoji visuals and words together is a strategy that is now used by businesses big and small.

Emojis can be utilized in a humorous tone or as shortcuts to instant recognition and understanding. 

And, again, words like “baseball” or “softball” take up a lot of real estate within a bio. 

Here are a few popular emojis worth considering:

⚾️  Baseball & 🥎  Softball 🔥  Fire 🔷🔹  Or 🔶🔸: 

These are used as an alternative to the sometimes boring old dotted bullet points – they work even better if they match your brand’s colors. 

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Pointing 👉  Index pointing right: 

These can be used for pointing to an original hashtag, or, just generally in place of bullet points.  

👇 Index pointing down:

Often used on the ending line to direct visitors towards your clickable link of choice. As seen in this example above from @robbyrow12

💥  Collision: 

Use this explosive emoji to describe anything with a wow factor to it. Check out how @gocatalystsports does it below.

🧠  Brain: 

You probably offer lessons, drills, or workouts meant to increase your students’ knowledge.  

🎥  Video Camera: 

Do you put out daily or weekly videos? Offer online video courses or lessons? This emoji is a popular choice.

📲  app or online: 

Do you offer online lessons on SeamsUp or elsewhere? This emoji offers visitors instant awareness. 

When Emojis Don't Fit Your Coaching Image

If you find emojis just aren’t in your comfort zone, another way to personalize your bio, while still having a certain edge, is to use unique signs and symbols.

CoolSymbol is an online generator that lets you pick from a vast array of different symbols.

All you do is choose the one you like, click, and it's already copied ready to be pasted onto your bio.

But there are even more customization options available to creative coaches. 

Did You Know You Could Change Your Instagram Bio's Font?

Well, technically Instagram only has one font available on its platform, but this is where the beauty of the internet comes in. 

You can use an Instagram Font Generator tool like LingoJam

Just type in your bio’s text and see it appear in various attractive fonts, choose one to your liking, copy paste, and you're good to go.

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18 Fun Instagram Bio Ideas for Baseball and Softball Coaches and Businesses

Here are 18 additional bio ideas or single lines you can use, customize, chuckle at, or be inspired by!

  1. Scratch here ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ to unveil my hitting secret
  2. If I was a professional writer I'd have a more witty bio, but I'm not. I was a pro ballplayer and I can help make you one too.
  3. A day in my life: Eat, Sleep, Lift, BP, Compete, Repeat
  4. A day in my life: Eat, Sleep, Lift, Bullpen, Compete, Repeat
  5. To anyone that ever told you you’re no good…they’re no better. — Hayley Williams
  6. Get closer to where you want to be by hardworking it into reality
  7. I practice what I pitch!
  8. Putting people first since 1985 (or, whenever you were born)
  9. You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream
  10. Keeping it real since *insert when you started your business*
  11. Share your training videos with me using the # (your branded hashtag)
  12. A very touching-base-dependant form of life
  13. Catch softballs not feelings
  14. Take care of your body, it’ll take you bases
  15. Making my future self proud
  16. Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value. – Albert Einstein
  17. Be a warrior, not a worrier
  18. If you like improving yourself, feeling stronger, and winning more games, you'll feel right at home here.
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The Use of Hashtags in Your Coaching Bio

The use of hashtags in your Instagram bio is a great way to make your community engage.

Creating a branded unique hashtag to promote an event, a service, or a common goal you have with your follower is a great way to link to specific content and stay top of mind for followers. 

Don’t miss our ultimate guide to baseball and softball hashtags – it’s filled with everything you could ever want to know about the subject, along with tons of examples from our industry. 

We mentioned above how important it was to make the most of the 150 character limit and to include your business’ location preferably in its designated section. But there are times when it's not entirely counterproductive to make your location a part of your bio.

For smaller, locally based businesses, highlighting where you do your activities can be a great way for your targeted audience to really grasp how easily they can access you.

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@tornadobaseballtraining makes it clear that Long Island, NY is where to go for in person instruction.

Ballplayers’ Call of Duty

All good bios have a clear and to-the-point call to action (or CTA) section – it's a must.

It's where you guide people into what their next step should be and how they can get there.

You don't want people who love your content to just scroll through everything and then go on with their day.

The CTA can instead be driving visitors to your link in bio, to check out a new video course you’re launching, purchase private lessons, attend clinics, watch your latest YouTube video, join your email subscriber list for unique content, etc. 

Therefore, your clickable link or links and your call to action should always share the same objective.

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Recapping Our Ultimate Guide to the Instagram Bio for Baseball and Softball Coaches

We've covered pretty much everything Instagram bio, now here’s a little recap:

  • Bios are important, work on them.
  • A name with your profession makes you easy to find within your niche
  • The Industry you're in should be visible and obvious
  • Make your clickable link count. Linktree or Bio are your friends.
  • Get rid of any unnecessary words, sentences, details and only keep the absolute best version of your initial draft.
  • Show who you are, what you do and how you do it.
  • Bullet point formats are your allies.
  • Emojis make things livelier.
  • Your font doesn't have to be boring.
  • 18 Instagram bio snippet ideas.
  • Hashtags, keep them minimal but strong.
  • If you're a local business, make that clear.
  • Communicate what makes you the best choice?
  • Calls-of-Action are the clickable links’ best friend.

Don't be afraid to mix and match with symbols, texts, and calls to action. By trying out different things you'll find out what works best with your tribe.

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About the Author

Mike Rogers

Co-Founder & CEO

Mike Rogers has spent a lifetime entrenched in baseball and softball as a player, a private instructor, a training facility owner, and the son of two college-level coaches.

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